Top Ten Tuesday (#1) –> Other Types of Stories!!

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. They’re fond of lists over there, and so came up with the brilliant idea to post Top Ten Lists prompts ever week. So what I’ll be doing here is…making a list! Note: my list is not written in any particular order.

This week’s prompt: Let’s talk about other types of stories! Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows! (can break it down to top ten favorite romance movies or comedy shows etc. etc.)

1. The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries Poster

TVD was actually introduced to me by one of my best friends, and it’s also the first non-animated and non-Disney TV show I’ve ever watched. In fact, I only started watching this and several other TV shows this January. Of course, TVD just happened to be so good that I finished the entire season within a month. It cut short my sleep, but it was completely worth it. With the love triangles with Elena & the Salvatore brothers  and Caroline with Tyler and Klaus, there was a never ending flow of what I love best: romance and drama. And then of course there’s the plain and simple fact that vampires are awesome!

2. Reign

Reign PosterI’m pretty sure Reign was the second TV show I started watching, and I fell in love right away. I started the series thinking that it would revolve around the queen who became Bloody Mary, but it turned out that it was actually about Mary, Queen of Scots. Okay, actually, the real reason I started watching it is because of the two hot guys on the poster…love triangles are totally my thing. However, the love triangle fell through about halfway through season one, and even though – and this has never happened before – Mary chose the guy that I didn’t choose – the plot was intricate enough to keep me interested and perpetually on my toes.

3. The 100

The 100 PosterI’m sure you’re starting to see the CW trend here, but hey, what can I say? CW makes awesome television shows. Besides the fact that The 100 is based on a YA novel, and that it’s an amazing, kick-butt dystopia, The 100 stands out because it is so unexpected. You can never guess what’s going to happen next. And there are no lengths to which the screenwriters won’t go. Would they kill off a possible love triangle? Definitely. Would they kill off two of the most loved characters on the show? For sure. Fans of The Hunger Games, you might want to check out this series if you haven’t already.

4. Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful PosterI’m hesitant to write this right now because it’s late at night and this is one heck of a creepy TV series, but the list must go on! So I only started watching Penny Dreadful recently, but I finished season one fairly quickly considering that each episode is about an hour long. Of course, there were only about 8 or so episodes in the season. I love Penny Dreadful because it combines everything I could ever want: London, the supernatural, and romance. I know, it seems just a teensy bit weird that those things would go together, but Penny Dreadful makes it work. Of course, I didn’t get the romance I wanted – though I did get the scenes – but I’m holding out hope that my choice of lovers will come together in the next season.

5. Divergent

Divergent Movie PosterOkay, Divergent was obviously the best movie that’s come out this year, and in my opinion, it’s the BEST young adult book-turned-movie that has come to pass (not including Harry Potter). I’m also not sure there will be a book-turned-movie better than this one, mostly because you can’t exactly just find another Theo James to heat up a movie to the next level! The scenes of the film were done very well, and the actors were casted perfectly. I know for a fact that this movie will live in my heart for a long, long time (as will Theo James), and my next order of business shall be to obtain the DVD as soon as it is released.

6. The Originals

The Originals PosterI know, I know. I’m obsessed with way too many TV shows. This isn’t even half the list, honestly. The Originals is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, and it’s amazing because it revolves around Klaus, who is another hot guy that’s very…hot. Though Klaus makes me devour the series, the show is amazing not only because of him; the plot, the familiar characters, and the relationships forged between them are what make this show so special. Though I do sort of hate The Originals for ripping Klaus away from Caroline (she’s in TVD), I’m sure the screenwriters for the show have something up their sleeves. I’m only halfway through season one though so I’m guessing I’m in for a ton of surprises.

7. The Sound of Music

The Sound of MusicI know this is really cliché, but I have loved this movie to death since I was a child. I guess it’s what me and my mom first bonded over (or at least what I remember us bonding over…not that we’ve never not bonded lol). Also, The Sound of Music is the first movie/musical that introduced me to romance, and I have been in love with love ever since. The romance between Maria and the Captain gets to me every time; it’s like my perfect romantic novel. I really wish they’d make a novel adaptation of the movie, but it doesn’t seem likely that that’s in my future :/

8. Enchanted

Enchanted PosterI watched Enchanted at a birthday party with one of my best friends, and I loved it oh so very much. There’s the beautiful princess, the stoic male lead, and the happily ever after. I was only a middle schooler (or actually, maybe it was elementary school?) when I watched this, and yet it seems that I was still interested in the same thing. Huh. Well, anyways, this remains one of my favorite romantic movies at all times, and any time it’s on Disney Channel – ignore the fact that I have the DVD – you’ll find me plopped onto the sofa with my eyes glued to the screen. I wish Disney would make more movies like this, repetitive or not.

9. Leap Year

Leap Year posterI’m not even sure why I love this movie so much, but ever since I watched it, I’ve been obsessed with finding a movie just like it. It’s the perfect blend of romance and comedy, and yes, of course the lead is hot. And has an swoon-worthy Scottish accent. I think I first found this movie while looking for a movie like The Proposal (another one of my favorite movies!), and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I even teared up a bit at the end, which is saying a lot because I don’t cry. I tear up, but I never cry. Usually. I actually have several other romantic comedies I adore in addition to Leap Year, but in the interest of keeping this diverse, I’ll just put Leap Year on my list.

10. The Mindy Project

The Mindy ProjectThis isn’t by far the last of the many, MANY television shows I watch, but in the interest of sticking to the rules, I’ll stop at my list at #10. I chose The Mindy Project as my “last but not least” to the list because 1) I was so obsessed with this show a few weeks ago that I finished two entire seasons in less than 48 hours, and 2) the show was very shocking to me. It was about this Indian woman who watched billions upon billions of romantic comedies growing up, and was searching for her happily ever after. She dated tons of guys, and had sex with tons of guys. Her interest in men went all the way from priest to prostitute. There was just no end! And yet I kept watching. At the same time, as an Indian girl myself who is obsessed with romantic comedies, I’ll admit that I was also a little worried about my future…Overall though, it’s an amazing show, and I can’t wait for season 3.

What are your top 10 “other stories” that you’re raving about?
Link me to your Top Ten Tuesday post and I’ll be sure to check it out!

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